Teladoc Health, Inc.

Q2 2021 Earnings Conference Call


spk_0: there a virtual urgent care provider that was purely episodic to be coming someone's really virtual medical home where they go as of first start for all of their healthcare needs brings with it tremendously tremendously more frequency of interaction higher value of interaction a full care team right which will include a primary care physician specialists mental health providers physical health providers coaches registered dietitian as well as digital assets and citing the opportunity for significant increase in am frequently and velocity and value of interaction is very real and so i think we'll be able to capture the value that we create when it comes to add to those visits
spk_1: your next question is from david lashing and the t i d line is now open
spk_0: hi and keep a little the adult like the last mile of care i'm do you have any interest or clams and getting into like a the visiting nurse business for example or i'm partnering with anybody who's actually doing massey deliver manage to members of their home and also you know kick diagnostic test in the home and so forth
spk_2: thanks and he's and he's not around that would be helpful thanks
spk_0: yeah dave it's a great question and i would say that's a very important evolving part of the market and one that i want partner with i think that likelihood of ice down owning a field team that's going to be making house calls is pretty small i think it's much more likely that we would partner it with those who were doing that and really importantly take advantage of the evolving technology as well as the evolving a beer sort of afghan approval process because as you mention more and more is going to be approved for administration within the home so i totally agree to that an important part ark and we're we're already doing a work especially on our primary three sixty product to integrate with those solutions
spk_1: and and concedes against conference call i keep thinking evening at this point

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