EarningsCall API Usage Guide

Mastering financial insights with the EarningsCall API Usage Guide

You can use our Application Programming Interface (API) to programmatically access earnings call data. Through this API, you can list an individual company’s earnings call dates, retrieve the transcript text, and download the raw audio files.

Get Earnings Call Transcript

URL Endpoint :https://v2.api.earningscall.biz/transcript
Parameter :"apikey" - We will give you a unique API Key to use. Please do not share this key with anyone. Use “demo” to try it out.
Parameter :"exchange" - Valid values: "NYSE", "NASDAQ", "AMEX", "TSX", "TSXV" or "OTC".
Parameter :"symbol" - The ticker symbol.
Parameter :"year" - The 4 digit year of the earnings call. Example value: "2024".
Parameter :"quarter" - Valid values: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Optional Parameter :"level" - Default Value: 1. Valid values: 1, 2, or 3. Basic Transcript Plan includes level 1 (which is default). Enhanced Transcript Plan includes levels 2 and 3. Used to retrieve enhanced transcript data.
Result :JSON Object

HTTP Response Status Codes

401Missing API Key
403Wrong API Key
404Not found

Example Usage

curl 'https://v2.api.earningscall.biz/transcript?apikey=demo&exchange=nasdaq&symbol=aapl&year=2023&quarter=1'

NOTE: API Key “demo” enables access for ticker symbol AAPL only. Contact sales@earningscall.biz for more information to get your own API Key with full access.

Example Output

  "text": "Good day, everyone, and welcome to the Apple Q1 Fiscal Year 2023 Earnings Conference Call..."

Get Full Company List

URL Endpoint :https://v2.api.earningscall.biz/symbols
Parameter :"apikey" - We will give you a unique API Key to use. Please do not share this key with anyone. Use “demo” to try it out.
Result :JSON Array

HTTP Response Status Codes

401Missing API Key
403Wrong API Key
404Not found

Example Usage

curl https://v2.api.earningscall.biz/symbols?apikey=demo

NOTE: API Key “demo” enables access for ticker symbol AAPL only. Contact sales@earningscall.biz for more information to get your own API Key with full access.

Example Output

    "exchange": "NASDAQ",
    "name": "Apple Inc.",
    "symbol": "AAPL"
    "exchange": "NASDAQ",
    "name": "Microsoft Corporation",
    "symbol": "MSFT"

Contact Us

Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about our APIs. You can email sales@earningscall.biz for more information, or fill out the below form.

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