Arbe Robotics Ltd.

Q2 2024 Earnings Conference Call


spk08: Good day and welcome to the RB Robotics Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results Conference Call. All participants will be in listen-only mode. Should you need assistance, please signal a conference specialist by pressing the star key followed by zero. After today's presentation, there will be an opportunity to ask questions. To ask a question, you may press star then one on your touchtone phone. To withdraw your question, please press star then two. Please note this event is being recorded. I would now like to turn the conference over to Miri Segal, CEO of MSIR. Please go ahead.
spk02: Thank you, operator and everyone, for joining us today. Welcome to RB's Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results Conference Call. Before we begin, I would like to remind our listeners that certain information provided on this call may contain forward-looking statements, and the Safe Harbor Statement outlined in today's earnings release also applies to this call. If you have not received a copy of the release, please view it in the investor relations section of the company's website. Today we are joined by Kobi Marenko, RB's co-founder and CEO, who will begin the call with a business update. Then we will turn the call over to Karim Sint-Oflomenbohm, CFO, who will review the financials in more detail. Finally, we will open the call for the question and answer session. With that, I'd like to turn it over to Kobi Marenko, RB's CEO. Kobi, please go ahead.
spk05: Thank you, Mary. Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us. On this conference call, we are happy to share significant progress and market endorsement from major industry players. We've hit a major milestone by securing two key customers for the development of our imaging radar for production. We see these selections as strong endorsement of RB's technological superiority and evidence that we are strategically positioned and on track to capture additional OEMs this year. Let me elaborate on two important announcements. First, one of the top 10 OEMs in the world selected RB's chipset for the development of its next-gen imaging radar geared forward serial production. This leading OEM has confirmed that preparations for serial production will begin immediately. The decision came after a deep competitive evaluation and careful testing of our chipset, providing just how reliable and high performing our technology is. The adoption of RB's technology by this major automotive OEM not only validates our innovative solutions but also opens a significant commercial opportunity. Our versatile chipset can be used across a wide range of vehicle classes, boosting market appeal and potential for broad adoption. Secondly, we are proud to be teaming up with a well-known European truck manufacturer who will revolutionize truck safety using our imaging radar. They are gearing up to include our radar in the next-generation sensor suit, a big step forward in the move to more advanced technology. The trucking industry faces distinctive challenges that our imaging radar technology is designed to tackle, including larger vehicle sizes, longer braking distances, and greater collision potential. These factors make it essential for trucks to operate safely in all weather and lighting conditions. As with the OEM selection, our imaging radar went through rigorous testing and evaluation before being selected and was compared directly against other front-end like LIDAR and conventional radar. We view these selections as an acknowledgement of RB's technological edge, highlighting the confidence that leading manufacturers have in our technology. These approvals not only validate our innovative solutions but also demonstrate that our technology stands out in a competitive market. Further, they serve as a clear indicator that we are well positioned to increase our market share and appeal to other key OEMs. The auto industry continues to constantly evolve with new safety standards and regulatory changes, driving widespread demand for high-channel count solutions. Since our resolution is widely recognized by OEMs as the radar with the largest channel array at the best price per channel, we believe that opportunities are only beginning to emerge. In fact, in Q2, we supported the final stages of OEM RFQ's processes in collaboration with our tier 1, Magna, High-Rain, WIFU, and SensWOD, and we look forward to sharing more updates very soon. We are actively engaged in obtaining full design needs with leading global automakers, and we expect those decisions in the coming months. Finally, we are happy to report that we have successfully begun trading on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. In June, we raised an approximately $30 million through a convertible bond offering, and we expect it will help increase our cash reserves in anticipation of upcoming OEM selection. The proceeds from the bond offering are re-held in escrow and will be released upon meeting certain conditions by March 21, 2025. We are progressing in fulfilling the conditions for the release of the fund, and we will be sharing updates along the way. Now, I'd like to turn it over to our CFO, Kori, to go over our financial.
spk04: Thank you, Kobi, and hello, everyone. I'd like to review our financial results for the second quarter of 2024 in more detail. Total revenue in the second quarter was $0.4 million, an increase from $0.3 million in Q2, 2023. Backlog, as of 30th, was $0.8 million and is expected to be recognized as revenue during 2024. Negative gross margin for Q2, 2024 was 9.5%, compared to a negative gross margin of 1% in Q2, 2023. The increase in the negative gross margin was primarily related to a headcount increase. Moving on to expenses. In Q2, 2024, we reported total operating expenses of $11.6 million, compared to $12.6 million in Q2, 2023. The decrease in operating expenses was primarily driven by a decrease in research and development expenses as we progressed toward finalization of our production and, to a lesser extent, decrease in our labor cost and favorable exchange rate impact. Operating loss in the second quarter of 2024 was $11.6 million, a decrease from Q2, 2023, operating loss of $12.6 million. Net loss in the second quarter of 2024 decreased to $11.8 million compared to a net loss of $12.6 million in the second quarter of 2023. Net loss in the second quarter of 2024 included $0.1 million of financial expenses. Adjusted EBITDA, a non-GAAP measurement which excludes expenses for share-based compensation and for non-recurring items, was a loss of $7.5 million in Q2 of 2024. This is compared to a loss of $8.4 million in the second quarter of 2023. Moving to our balance sheet. As of June 30, 2024, our bet had $8.8 million in cash and cash equivalents and $17.7 million in short-term back deposits. In June, we issued a convertible bond in the principal amount of $110 million Israeli shekels or approximately $30 million. The proceeds from the sale of the bond, which were approximately $112.4 million Israeli shekels or approximately $30.5 million, are held in escrow and will be released upon meeting certain conditions by March 31, 2025. As Kobe stated, we are in the process of fulfilling the conditions for the raise, and we will be sure to update as we progress. With respect to our guidance for the year, we would like to reiterate what we previously shared. Our goal of achieving four design-ins with automakers remains unchanged as we observe continued strong interest in our market-leading offering. We have strengthened our positioning in all our RFQ engagements, even though the OEM have shifted their decision timelines from late 2023 to 2024. The 2024 annual revenue are expected to be in line with those of 2023, followed by revenue growth in 2025. These revenue projections are based on our expectation that we will be in full production in the second half of 2024, as well as our decision to exclusively focus on getting our chipset into production. We are committed to maintaining a strong and well-managed balance sheet, focusing on cost-effectiveness and the ability to fund our revenue growth. Adjusted EBITDA for 2024 is projected to be in the range of $30 million loss to $36 million loss. Now, we will be happy to take your questions. Operator?
spk08: Thank you. We will now begin our question and answer session. To ask a question, you may press star then one on your touchtone phone. To withdraw your question, please press star then two. At this time, we will pause momentarily to assemble our roster. Our first question will come from Joshua Buckalter with TD Cowan. Please go ahead.
spk01: Hey, guys. Good afternoon. Thanks for taking my question and congrats on all the progress in the quarter. For my first one, I want to ask about the selection of the top 10 OEM. Obviously, a great sign there. It mentions in the press release when it was initially signed it aimed at serial production. Can you maybe walk us through some of the milestones that need to be hit to enter series production and when you would expect that decision to be made? Thank you.
spk05: So, first of all, the decision to go to production with this radar was already made. So, what the process that we are going through now is basically that this OEM has the internal tier one that takes reference design from us, adapts it to their needs and then developing a full radar model for production based on that. And based on the timeline of this process, the OEM will decide on the exact year model or the exact timing of the full production. But right now, it's basically the train is already moving and we know where it should go. Just a matter of how long will it take to bring up this kind of full production. We have our estimations from the current tier one that we are already working with them. So, we expect to start gaining revenues from this win by end of 2025, early 2026.
spk01: Okay, thank you for all the color there. And then on the goal of achieving the forward design this year, any more details you can share on what types of applications and maybe timeline to revenue you would expect if you are indeed able to convert those wins that you're in discussions for?
spk05: Yeah, so first of all, we already achieved one out of these four, so we still left with three. So, 25% already done. And we are now in last phases with a few major RFQs. Actually, one of them stated for us in the last few weeks that we are in a poor position to win this contract. And with all of the RFPs that we are now in final stages, we expect your model to be 28, application to be a safety, the new regulation for emergency braking and hence re-driving, mainly on the highway. And we expect to start gaining revenues from that since it's year model 28. We will start shipping chips to Magna, that is our main tier one for those projects, by the second half of 2026.
spk01: Thank you for that, Kobi. And last one for me, I mean, you mentioned in the press release, reaffirming the 2024 annual revenue in line with 2023 followed by revenue growth in 2025. Any initial guardrails or range of revenue growth you'd like to provide for 2025? Thank you.
spk05: So, we have preliminary orders from China and Hyron and WIFU both are in a great progress towards production. So, we would expect to get those revenues that Hyron and WIFU indicated for us for 2025. I can also add to that that WIFU just announced a few weeks ago that they spin off their radar business into a new company and Bosch is one of the investors in this subsidiary. So, we expect it also to help WIFU gain more business and gain more traction in the Chinese market. So, overall, our target is the numbers that we have in a preliminary order from the Chinese market more or less. Thanks, Kobi.
spk08: And the next question will come from Suji De Silva from Roth Capital.
spk07: Please go ahead. Hi, Kobi. Hi, Kareem. Congratulations on the progress here. Kobi, now that you've had some wins here, maybe you can revisit the key factors you're seeing in selection of Arbe's radar, and maybe you can update us on the competitive landscape that you're seeing three months later.
spk05: So, the main advantage of automotive and the main disadvantage of automotive is that the landscape is not changing. So, what we saw three months ago and six months ago and actually a year ago is the same that we see today because of the fact that it's so complicated to bring chips to production in automotive. Actually, when we started this company seven or eight years ago, if we even imagined how complicated would it be to take three chips to production in automotive, we would probably choose a much easier industry like pharma. So, we don't see here a huge difference since last quarter. So, what we see is a major shift in the understanding of the OEM. There's a multi-channel radar, a high multi-channel radar is a match for any kind of safety application. And the fact that Mercedes stated on stage that 32 by 32 channels radar is a minimum. And the fact that we see major RFPs that basically putting a line that below that you cannot even get to the RFP, this is the major change that we saw in the industry since the beginning of this year. And we're seeing it more and more. Companies that took lower channels count like six by eight in China or 12 by 16 in Europe understand that this is not sufficient. That basically if you want to see a pedestrian that is coming out of his car on the highway or you want to see tire on the road on the highway near the guardrail or you want to drive in an urban area and to understand that there is a bridge or there is a pedestrian below the bridge or there is a motorcycle on the side of the road, it's clear for everyone that the amount of channels that is less than 32 by 32 is meaningless. Also the fact that we are able to bring down a chipset that allowing Magna to sell and hire and to sell a radar in a price that is similar to the 12 by 16 I think also makes the difference. And this is our current advantage as opposed to Mobilize. Their product is much more expensive and much more power hungry, which is also a major issue in today's car.
spk07: Thank you for that detailed answer, Jacobi. And then maybe you can talk about the trucking opportunities separate from the auto opportunity and distinguish the dressable market sizes. I'm sure it's different units. Understanding the unit and then the pricing difference and maybe there's a content per truck one radar per truck similar to cars. Yeah,
spk05: so trucks basically is the lower volume and some of the tier ones are not even selling to trucks. So the price there of the radar is more than regular automotive, but the volume is much lower. And the adaptation that is needed is also much more important than in regular automotive in commercial in private vehicles. So trucks is not a major part of our business and won't be a major part of our business. But I think that the fact that the truck company selected our radar means that this is basically the highest level of safety that is needed in the market. And I think for us, it's a major milestone.
spk07: Okay, that's very helpful. And then maybe a last question on the financials or just the I think, Kareem, you mentioned the headcount went up. I'm just curious, what areas of the company are you increasing headcount?
spk03: Thanks. So the headcount went up in our cost of sale, which is mainly our customers support. When we actually finalize our production stages, and we want to be ready for the next stage of full production, serial production, and also supporting our customer support. So these are
spk07: very good. Thanks,
spk03: guys. Thank you, Sujit.
spk08: Again, if you would like to ask a question, please press star, then one. The next question will be from Matthew Galinko from Maxim Group. Please go ahead.
spk06: Hi, thanks for taking my question. I just wanted to get a sense for, you know, as you look into the pipeline a little bit beyond the four design ends that you're targeting for this year, what does the pipeline look like geographically, you know, into 2025?
spk05: So the current pipeline of I would say like this short term a customers that we assume we will have wins in Q3 and Q4. All of them are the headquarters European, of course, they are selling cars all over the world. For next year, we see, of course, China and Japan as the major countries and US just after that.
spk06: Great. Thank you.
spk08: And ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's question and answer session. I will turn the conference back over to Koby Marenko for any closing remarks.
spk05: So thank you everybody for joining us today and we look forward to update you shortly on the new news coming from us. And thank you everyone.
spk08: And thank you. The conference has now concluded. Thank you for attending today's presentation. You may now disconnect.

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