Nano Dimension Ltd.

Q1 2024 Earnings Conference Call


spk00: Good day, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Nano Dimensions' first quarter 2024 conference call. My name is Betsy, and I'm your operator for today's event. On the call with us today are Yoav Stern, CEO and member of the Board of Directors, Tomer Pinchas, CFO and COO, and Julian Litterman, VP of Corporate Development. Before we begin, may I remind our listeners that certain information provided on this call may contain forward-looking statements, and the safe harbor statement outlined in today's earnings press release also pertains to statements made on this call. If you have not received a copy of the press release, please view it at the Investor Relations section of the company's website. A replay of today's call will also be available on the Investor Relations section of the company's website. Yoav will begin the call with a business update, followed by a question and answer session, at which time the management team will answer questions. I would now like to turn the call over to Nano Dimensions, CEO and member of the Board of Directors, Yoav Stern. Please go ahead.
spk01: Thank you very much, Betsy, and good day to everybody. Good morning, good afternoon, good middle of the day. We are going to speak today about the first quarter of 2024 and some reflection from before and after. And I would not read you the news release. You hopefully read it or you will be able to read it later. I'm going to speak into the presentation and give as much as possible time for your questions so we can lead it toward what's more interesting for you. To start with, we had a great quarter which was totally fitting the Reshaping Nano initiative which we started last quarter. And it was a very important initiative because it's basically embarked us on a direction of emphasizing profits and adjusting and the business model toward profitability eventually it'd be that positive etc rather than just either to internal growth or organic growth or acquisitions just focusing on the top line of course the top line is first by the way the top line here
spk00: Pardon me, it appears we've lost connection with our speakers. Please wait while we reconnect. We've reconnected with our speaker line.
spk01: Okay, I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, something technology is not perfect in spite of everything. I guess we dropped off or you dropped off. I don't know where, but I'll continue from where I was. And if there'll be questions, I'll get back. We had an amazing quarter of improving profitability according to our reshaping nano initiative. We went up to... is another important. I'm just trying to adjust the presentation. New customers partnering with us is another important factor in this order. RF, for everybody that doesn't know it, is radio frequency. This is one of the major application for AME. additive manufacturing electronics. We have proof of concept that new customers are wanting to use it. A lot of it is in the defense. We repeat sales to Western Defense Agency.

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