MasterBrand, Inc.

Q2 2024 Earnings Conference Call


spk00: Thank you for your patience, everybody. Due to a current tornado warning in Cleveland, Ohio area, the call will be delayed an hour. So the call is going to be delayed one hour due to tornado warning in Cleveland, and they are basically in lockdown right now. So one hour from now, 530 Eastern Time, we will be back with the conference. Thank you. so so Thank you. I don't know. I don't know. Thank you. Music Music Thank you. Thank you.
spk01: © transcript Emily Beynon
spk00: Thank you everybody for your patience due to a current tornado warning in Cleveland Ohio area, the call will be delayed one hour so we'll be hopefully resuming at 530 Eastern time. Once again, due to a current tornado warning in Cleveland Ohio area, the call will be delayed one hour hoping to resume at 530 Eastern time.

This conference call transcript was computer generated and almost certianly contains errors. This transcript is provided for information purposes only.EarningsCall, LLC makes no representation about the accuracy of the aforementioned transcript, and you are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the information provided by the transcript.

