Enviri Corporation

Q1 2024 Earnings Conference Call


spk00: Enviro Corporation First Quarter 2024 Release Conference Call. All lines have been placed on mute to avoid any background noise. After the speaker's remarks, there will be a question and answer period. If you'd like to ask a question during this time, simply press star then 1 on your telephone keypad. If you'd like to withdraw your question, please press star then 2 on your telephone keypad. Also, this telephone conference presentation and accompanying webcasts made on behalf of Enviro Corporation are subject to copyright by Enviro Corporation and all rights are reserved. No recordings or redistributions of this telephone conference by any other party are permitted without the express written consent of Enviro Corporation. Your participation indicates your agreement. I would now like to introduce Dave Martin of Enviro Corporation. Mr. Martin, you may begin your call.
spk02: Thank you, Jason, and welcome to everyone joining us this morning. With me today is Nick Grassberger, our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, and Tom Batiketh, our Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. This morning, we will discuss our results for the first quarter and our outlook for the remainder of the year. We'll then take your questions. Before our presentation, let me mention a few items. First, our earnings release and slide presentation for this call are available on our website. Second, we will make statements today that are considered forward-looking within the meaning of the federal securities laws. These statements are based on our current knowledge and expectations and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ from these statements. For a discussion of such risks and uncertainties, see the risk factors section in our most recent 10-K. The company undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statement. Lastly, on the call, we will refer to adjusted financial results that are considered non-GAAP for SEC reporting purposes. A reconciliation to GAAP results is included in the earnings release as well as the slide presentation. With that said, I'll turn the call to Nick.
spk01: Thank you, Dave, and good morning, everyone. Q1 was a strong start to 2024 as each of our three segments performed above our expectations. In terms of both cash flow and adjusted EBITDA, consolidated EBITDA increased about 20% versus Q1 of last year, while the EBITDA margin improved nearly 150 basis points to 13%.

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