Velan Inc.

Q4 2023 Earnings Conference Call


spk01: Greetings and welcome to the Vellon Inc. Q4 Financial Results Conference Call. Bonjour et bienvenue à la conférence téléphonique pour les résultats financiers du quatrième trimestre de Vellon Inc. During the presentation, all participants will be in a listen-only mode. Pendant la présentation, tous les participants seront en mode d'écoute seulement. If at any time during the conference you need to reach the operator, please press star zero. Si lors de la conférence, vous avez besoin de parler à un téléphoniste, s'il vous plaît appuyez sur l'étoile suivie du zéro. As a reminder, this conference is being recorded, Thursday May 18th, 2023. Je vous rappelle que la conférence 'aujourd'hui est enregistrée jeudi le 18 mai 2023. I would now like to turn the conference over to, je cède maintenant la parole, à Bruno Carbonaro, Chief Executive Officer and President. Please go ahead. La parole est à vous.
spk03: Hi everyone, Bruno Carbonaro speaking. Thanks for joining our conference call today. Let's start with the usual disclaimer. The first section of the disclaimer mentions that the presentation provides an analysis of our consolidated results for the quarter ended February 28th, 2023. The board approved these results yesterday on May 17th, 2023. The second paragraph refers to non-RFRS and supplementary financial results, which are reconciled at the last page of this presentation. Finally, the last paragraph refers to forward-looking information, which are subject to risks and assentment and can't be guaranteed. The forward-looking statements contained in this presentation are expressly qualified by this questionary statement. Now, let's proceed with the call. Welcome to our fourth quarter fiscal year 2023 conference call. I am joined today by Rishi Sharma, our CFO. This presentation will be made available shortly on our website in the investor relations section. I will start with a brief summary of our results. Then I'll pass the baton to Rishi who will further develop key preference items. And then I will close with my closing comments. Please note that as mentioned at the beginning of the call, we will not be taking questions at the end of the call today. Let's have a look at our key highlights for our fiscal year 2023 Q4. We record sales of $115.1 million, which is an improvement of $19.9 million and .9% versus the Q3 of the same fiscal year. However, it's a decrease of $9.7 million versus the Q4 of fiscal year 2022. You should notice that last year, quarter four included a reversal of a provision for performance guarantees that didn't occur this year. We report a net loss for the quarter of $47.2 million or $2.80 per share compared to a loss of $25.6 million or $1.19 per share last year. The net loss for the quarter is significantly impacted by a $56 million charge to increase our asbestos provision to reflect the potential settlement value of future unknown claims based on the lecturial study. Rishi will discuss more in detail the reasons for the increase of the asbestos provision later in the call. We report an adjusted net income for the quarter of $8.8 million or $0.41 per share compared to $7 million or $0.32 per share last year. During the quarter, we generated $20.9 million of net cash primarily through our operating activities. Our net cash amounted at the end of the period to $50.3 million, a decrease of $3.2 million or 6% compared to the previous fiscal year. The overall available liquidity remains strong with $140.9 million of available cash on end and facilities. Finally, the board elected yesterday to declare a $0.03 per share dividend payable on June 30 to all shareholders of record as at June 16. I now turn over the mic to Rishi who will comment more in detail on our performance.
spk02: Thank you, Bruno. Good morning. Good morning, everyone. Starting with the backlog, total backlog decreased by $36.9 million or .4% since the beginning of the fiscal year and amounted to $464.3 million as at February 28, 2023. The reduction of the backlog is primarily due to the weakening of the euro spot rate against the US dollar since the beginning of the fiscal year, which represented $17.3 million. The lower than $1.0 -to-bill ratio also caused a reduction in the backlog for the fiscal year. And it is important to note that the significant output and sales activity for Q4 at $115 million was also a partial reason for the overall reduction in the backlog. It's important to note that within 12 months, our backlog that needs to be shipped is relatively stable from last quarter of last year. Bookings for the quarter amounted to $87.1 million, an increase of $10 million or 13%. The weakening of the euro average rate against the dollar on order bookings for our European operations resulted in a negative impact of $3.6 million in the fourth quarter compared to prior year. The increase in the quarter on bookings is attributable to higher order intake in both our French and German subsidiaries, mostly related to the nuclear market, partially offset by lower bookings in our Italian operations, notably in terms of downstream oil and gas orders. If we look at sales for the quarter amounted to $115 million or an increase from the previous quarter of $19.9 million or 20.9%. This continues to show the ramp up quarter over quarter and a strong finish to the second half of the year relative to the softness started in the first. The sales volume does also reflect a decrease of $9.7 million or .8% compared to the last quarter of the previous year. The weakening of the euro average rate against the US dollar had a negative impact of $3.8 million on our sales compared to the last quarter last year. Sales for the quarter were also negatively impacted by decreased shipments by our Italian operations on orders destined to the oil and gas markets. Our sales in the previous fourth quarter were also positively impacted by a reduction of our provision on performance and liquidated damage guarantees of $8.8 million. Finally, we see an activity increase in the MRO business, which offset some of these decreases, mostly in the North American operations. If we look at EBITDA, let me start by mentioning the asbestos adjustment that we've taken for the quarter. Throughout several quarters, historical quarters, and over the last several years, as we have seen, asbestos costs have shown an increasing trend. As you are aware, during our strategic process and throughout the fourth quarter of the fiscal year, we were able to better estimate the impact of unknown asbestos settlement costs. This was a result of the information we obtained during the process and during the fourth quarter. The result of this revaluation led to a non-recurring one-time charge of $56 million US to increase our asbestos provision, related specifically to settlement and indemnity costs. This provision increase does not relate to legal and defense costs related for those claims. Adjusted EBITDA for the quarter amounted to $16.5 million, or $0.76 per share, compared to $16.6 million, or $0.77 per share last year. The slight decrease in adjusted EBITDA for the quarter is primarily attributable to a decrease in absolute gross profit, higher other expenses, and a .6% non-recurring gain after minority interest on the disposal last year. This is the fourth quarter of our investment in the Juwan Steel Company. These negative movements in adjusted EBITDA were almost entirely offset by a reduction in administrative costs, excluding the previously discussed $56 million adjustment towards asbestos provision. If we look at gross profit, gross profit for the quarter amounted to $39.9 million, an increase from the previous quarter of $11 million, or 37.9%, but a decrease of $7.8 million, or .3% compared to the last quarter of the previous year. The gross profit percentage for the quarter of .7% was a decrease of 350 basis points compared to last year's final quarter. The gross profit percentage was negatively impacted by the favorable revaluation of the provision for the performance guarantees I just spoke about in the prior year. The decrease in gross profit percentage for the quarter is primarily attributable to the lower sales volume, which impacted the absorption of fixed production overhead costs. Additionally, our gross profit benefited from a favorable revaluation of our inventory provision based on new estimates relating to changes in market demand for slow moving, aged, and obsolete inventory. Finally, our gross profit for the quarter was negatively impacted by unfavorable foreign exchange movements when compared to similar movements from the prior year, which were primarily made up of unrealized foreign exchange translations related to the fluctuation of the US dollar against the euro and the Canadian dollar. The increase in other expenses primarily attributable to the recording of a 1.8 million other provision related to a commodity tax audit. Administration costs in the prior year included 13.1 million charged to increase the asbestos provision to account for all known litigation, rather than for only settled amounts. Looking at the chart above in the presentation, you see that administrative costs excluding asbestos were about 1 million lower than the prior year's final quarter, showing the improvements that we've put in place to offset and mitigate the asbestos cost that we experienced and reducing our administrative costs overall for the company. Moving on to cash, very strong quarter for us. We're very pleased with the results. Our net cash amounted to 50.3 million at the end of the quarter, an increase of 20.9 million or .4% compared to the previous quarter of the fiscal year. The increase is primarily due to the strong free cash flow generated for the quarter, which was highlighted by a healthy EBITDA and solid non-cash working capital movements, mainly related to inventory. This 50.3 million is a strong security for us as we enter into the ramp up quarters of Q1, Q2 of the new fiscal year. With that being said, I'll pass it back over to Bruno for his closing comments and key priorities as we progress.
spk03: Thanks, Rishi. My final comments are as follows. First, our current backlog offers us a good visibility for the future. We are also working on a large base of commercial opportunities in various regions of the world. We continue to focus our efforts on the flawless and rigorous execution of our contracts. Our ultimate goal is to preserve our cash base and our strong liquidity. And last but not least, we continue to work with Foserv to ensure the successful closing of the transaction announced earlier this year. Thanks for your attention.

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